Stella Dental
Dr. M.Moosa & Dr. N.Faruki INC

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Purpose of the Website

The website's primary purpose is to present relevant information about the practice to patients and the public. Therefore, the content of the website should in no way be interpreted as medical advice.

Restrictions of Use

By continuing to make use of the website, you agree to the Website Terms and Conditions.

Elements of the website may be replicated and distributed on a limited basis for non-commercial purposes only. These materials are for personal use only. Any replication or redistribution for commercial purposes or profit of any kind needs prior written permission from the practice.

By using the website, you agree that you will not, and you will not allow third-parties on your account, to make and share copies of the website;
attempt to duplicate, reproduce, change, modify, reverse engineer, disassemble, decompile, transfer, exchange or translate the website; or
create secondary works of the website of any kind whatsoever.

You recognise that the terms of the arrangement with your Internet Provider will apply when using the website. As such, you may incur additional costs from the Internet Provider for network access connection services incurred while accessing the website or any such third-party connections or services. Accordingly, you accept liability for any such costs.

If you do not own the device used to access the website, you will be presumed to have received explicit permission from the owner to access and use the website.

Intellectual Property (IP)

All trademarks, database, copyright, and other intellectual property rights of any nature on the website, as well as the underlying code, and content made available on the website (e.g. graphics, text, logos, images, etc.), are owned directly by the practice or by the practice's licensors, unless expressly stated.

You do not acquire any copyright, trademark, database or other intellectual property rights of any nature or licence by utilising the website.

You are not granted any right or license to use any intellectual property unless you acquire the practice's prior written permission.


Should you breach the Website Terms and Conditions, the practice maintains the right to claim damages of whatsoever nature from you, which includes special, incidental, consequential or indirect damages. The practice shall also retain the right to claim loss of business and profits and recover any legal costs on a scale as between attorney and client from you.